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![]() Photo: Arthur Köstler Feberhavnen (2015)Links: SLIDESHOW VIDEO REVIEWS We are in the ruins of the Danish Royal Theatre, in a destroyed and fever ravaged Copenhagen. The surviving ballet dancers are held in an endless dance ritual, watched over by self-proclaimed warlords. The time has come to a standstill. It is 7, 17 or 70 years ago that the Earth's magnetic poles changed, no survivors are able to remember clearly. Everything is broken; houses, roads and memories about the world as it once was. Every evening the city's last inhabitants flock to the theatre to be moved by the dancers - the only ones who seem not to succumb to the terrible fever, whose victims are gripped by violent convulsions and blind rage. The dancers live in the heart of the theatre and dance till they drop in a dirty arena surrounded by small units where they huddle together on dirty mattresses when they are granted sleep. In these makeshift homes they receive their audience. The force of the dancers is the only hope of survival, their steps contain the remains of the lost culture. Every night a ballet performance is compiled by handed down fragments - a kind of ritual competition where content and result especially depends on the audience.
Press Quotes: "SIGNA og Corpus klæder hinanden. Balletkunstens narrativer om mystik blandet med streng træning og markant hierarki samt fysiske restriktioner passer som fod i hose med SIGNAs yndede tematikker og dekadente æstetik […] balletdanserne fra Den Kgl. Ballet tilfører Feberhavnen magisk liv, eventyrlige kroppe og selvfølgelig berusende passioneret dans. Det er overraskende så let danserne, som til daglig ikke er vant til at være så tæt på sit publikum, interagerer med gæsterne i deres telte. Men allerbedst og stærkest i Feberhavnen står den særlige mulighed for at se dansen så tæt på. Hvornår har man ellers mulighed for at opleve en totalt udsyret udgave af svanens død fra Svanesøen eller Giselle danset med dyremasker på allernærmeste hold?" Concept & Book: Signa Köstler Direction: Signa Köstler with Arthur Köstler Set & Costume Design: Signa Köstler with Julia Bahn Sound & Light Design: Arthur Köstler Production: The Royal Danish Ballet/Corpus and SIGNA Dancers: (in alphabetical order) Actors: (in alphabetical order) Camilla Lønbirk as House Servant Blondie Supporting Cast: (in alphabetical order) Technicians: Set Design Assistant: Kristine Thorp, Marie Mark Photography: Erich Goldmann, Arthur Köstler
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